Richard Russo

Episode 378: Richard Russo, Author of Chances Are…

Episode 378: Richard Russo, Author of Chances Are…

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Richard Russo returns to the show to discuss his new novel Chances Are…

15 Podcasts You Loved in 2016

We compiled 15 of the podcasts you loved in 2016 based on downloads and social media buzz. Feel free to share any other favorites you have from the past year in the comments section, on our Facebook page, or on Twitter @WritersBone.

Brookline Booksmith Presents Joe Hill, Kat Howard, Thomas Olde Heuvelt, and Paul Tremblay

I figured out I wanted to murder people in really inventive ways. I wound up doing it with words instead of latex.
— Joe Hill

Filmmaker Lexi Alexander

Hollywood isn’t a level playing field for anyone, but for women and minorities, we’re not even on it. We’re just trying to get to the playing field.

Producer and Screenwriter Scott Mosier 

If you’re not surprising yourself, you’re probably not surprising anyone else.

Long Beach Homicide Series Author Tyler Dilts

Whenever I’m writing about my home turf of Long Beach, I never get lost.

'Quarry' Creators Michael Fuller and Graham Gordy

We got into writing as an excuse to do research.

Screenwriter Randi Mayem Singer

You bring your life into everything even if it has fairies, genies, or elves.

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author Richard Russo

Get better, get better, and don’t think about anything other than getting better.

Country Music Artist and Author Kasey Lansdale

If I keep doing the things I love, that’s what people connect to.

This Side of Providence Author Rachel Harper

No writing is a waste. I learn something from my mistakes.

Author Nicole Blades

Use your own voice to write the stories you would want to read.

‘Star Trek Beyond’ Screenwriter Doug Jung

More than anything it was, ‘Let’s just tell a damn good story.

Remembering Michelle McNamara

Write every day. You get better every time you do it.

Author Kristopher Jansma

The crazy thing about living in a city like this is that you’re always bumping up
against it.

Author and Screenwriter Phoef Sutton

You have to have stuff to show people when the opportunity comes up.

Author Jay Atkinson

If you’re not passionate about a subject matter, you shouldn’t pursue it because the work will be labor.

Episode 125: Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author Richard Russo

Episode 125: Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author Richard Russo

Richard Russo, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Empire Falls and Nobody’s Fool, talks to Daniel Ford about his late start into storytelling, how Vermont author Howard Frank Mosher and a quirky local news story inspired him to return to Sully and North Bath in Everybody’s Fool, and why aspiring authors need to want it so much more in today’s publishing market.