
5 Comics You Should Be Reading

By Atalie Garcia

There are so many comics outside of DC Comics and Marvel that comic readers should get into. Although we love the publishing giants, sometimes we like to take a step back and enjoy other publishers. It’s good to get out of your comfort zone, so dive in and check out these awesome comics that you may not have heard of but definitely should be reading.  


Publisher: Image Comics
Writtten By Jeff Lemire
Illustrated By Dustin Nguyen

Descender is a fantastic science fiction comic that takes a turn towards the innocent by presenting its story through the protagonist, TM-21, a robot modeled as a young boy who is just as innocent as he was intended to be. The comic centers around nine core planets, primarily Niyrata where the cultural hub and best minds were. Past being the proper tense because nine giant robots appeared from nowhere and wiped most of all organic life. This absorbing sci-fi is a fantastic read for anyone who enjoys a good science fiction comic.

The Spirit

Publisher: Dynamite
Written By Matt Wagner
Illustrated By Dan Schkade

Take a trip down memory lane without the problematic facets of the 1940s and you get this new published version of Will Eisener’s The Spirit. It’s campy, fun, and most of all promising. It takes problematically portrayed characters of the comics past (i.e. Ebony White) and draws them well and portrays them wonderfully. If you’re looking for something that is packed full with adventure or just want to experience a modern day version of The Spirit, we recommend this comic wholeheartedly.

The Black Hood

Published By Dark Circle Comics
Illustrated By Michael Gaydos

If you enjoy dark and gritty stories then The Black Hood is certainly for you. It’s a story about a police officer that gets disfigured while killing a vigilante. Not only does he face personal problems like dealing with his depression and drug addiction but he finds himself taking up the mantel of the vigilante that he killed: the Black Hood. This bleak story is great for those who enjoy the darker side of crime fighting.

We Stand On Guard

Published By Image
Written By Brian K. Vaughan
Illustrated By Steve Skroce

This futuristic story begins its first issue with an explosion and ends it with an icy wasteland. Canada is invaded by the United States and a small band of Canadian freedom fighters are here to take their country back. The first issue serves to surprise and intrigue, which it does very well. Since it just began there isn’t much to say about the story except that it presents many questions that you can’t wait to be answered. A great read in the making.


Published By Avatar
Written By Alan Moore
Illustrated By Jacen Burrows

Alan Moore is an amazing writer and Providence is no exception to his writing prowess. It’s seeped in mystery, is captivating and keeps you wanting more. It’s a love note to H.P. Lovecraft and excels in its genre of horror and mystery. A definite read for anyone who enjoys Alan Moore and deeply rooted plots.

Atalie Garcia is the owner and writer of where she writes comic book reviews, character biographies, and opinion essays on comic book lore and culture. When she is not writing about comic books she's busy being Batman.

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Table of Contents: Galactic Girl Power and 50 Shades of Learning

More coffee and inspiration needed.

More coffee and inspiration needed.

This is the debut of a new Writer’s Bone series that collects stories from around the Internet that will inspire you to keep writing and reading.

By Daniel Ford

Galactic Girl Power

Thor is set to become a woman, the new Captain America will be black, and Nicole Perlman made history by becoming the first woman to write a Marvel movie (this summer’s soon-to-be blockbuster “Guardians of the Galaxy.”

Think you’ve got problems trying to make it as a writer? Try being a female screenwriter interested in science fiction. Perlman recently spoke to Time about the hurdles she had to leap over to be taken seriously and how women can write “guy movies” just as well (if not better) than the fellas.

50 Shades of Learning

Texts I received from Stephanie Schaefer last week:

Sixty-year-old women on train are watching “50 Shades of Grey” trailer and making noises…#awkward
This movie looks like a piece of shit. I mean even worse than I thought.

All of this is surprising considering the source material won a Pulitzer and is being taught in classrooms around the U.S.

Wait, that’s not right…

However repugnant it may seem, trashy novels do have a place in the culture. At least people are reading and buying books.

If nothing else, writers aiming for the National Book Award can learn a few things from the God-awfulness of books like 50 Shades of Grey.

My favorite piece of advice from Roy Peter Clark’s recent Poynter post? This:

“The key to writing good sex (good anything) is original language.” 

Self-Publishing for the Win

If NPR says that some self-published authors are raking in the dough, then it must be true.

A controversial report states that “self-published writers earn more money overall from e-books than authors who have been signed by the big five publishing houses.”

While that study might be flawed, we’ve interviewed several self-published authors who are making a living from their work (I’m looking at you Jacqueline Druga). But as multiple guests have pointed out, you need a plan off attack and the discipline to execute it. There are more channels out there for aspiring authors than ever before, but do your homework before deciding on which path is right for you.

Chase quality writing and powerful storytelling, not dollars.

These Are Some Good Writers, Eh

Mary Ann Gwinn, book editor for The Seattle Times, rounds up several Canadian authors you should be reading. I’m intrigued by her Alistair MacLeod recommendations. Perhaps it’s my French-Canadian blood talking, but I can’t resist a story about fishermen. Or dysfunctional families.

I also picked up Alice Munro’s Dear Life recently and have been waiting for the right to crack its spine. Maybe after I read the 567,897 books in my queue…

Book Hoarders

I didn’t click on this Los Angeles Times article because I have a problem or anything…

According to Hector Tobar, there’s a word for people who buy books and don’t read them. It sounds pretty badass! If it weren’t for crippling loneliness and obsessive-compulsive behavior, I would totally sign up to be one of these people.

Unfortunately, I actually read most of the books I buy. Okay, 50 percent of them. Fine, 25 percent.

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