Episode 234: Have You Met Nora? Author Nicole Blades
Nicole Blades, author of Have You Met Nora? (out Oct. 31) and The Thunder Beneath Us, returns to the podcast to discuss what went into crafting the characters in her new book, how long it took her to write and edit the novel, and the themes she wanted to explore through her mixed race, and very secretive and conflicted, main character Nora.
Blades and Daniel Ford also talk about what inspired her to start a podcast with her sister, and what’s coming up on Season 2 of “Hey Sis!”
“Focus on your voice and the story you want to tell.”
To learn more about Nicole Blades, visit her official website, like her Facebook page, or follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Also listen to our first podcast interview with the author, and read our review of Have You Met Nora?
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Episode 200: For the 200th Time…
Episode two hundo! Yes, we’re just as surprised as you are. To celebrate our 200th episode, Sean Tuohy and Daniel Ford compiled their favorite clips from the last couple of years. It features authors, screenwriters, actors, directors, comedians, feminists, and journalists.
Share your favorite Writer’s Bone interview by commenting below, tweeting us @WritersBone, or by dropping a line on our Facebook page.
Thank you for listening, we truly appreciate it. Now, for the 200th time, keep writing, everyone!
Episode 154: Author Nicole Blades
Nicole Blades, author of The Thunder Beneath Us and Earth’s Waters, talks to Daniel Ford about her lifelong love of reading and writing, how she developed the character Best Lightburn, and why writers need to use their own voices to write the stories they would want to read.
To learn more about Nicole Blades, visit her official website, like her Facebook page, or follow her on Twitter (@NicoleBlades) and Instagram (@nicole_blades). Also read Lindsey Wojcik's first interview with the author, as well as our review of The Thunder Beneath Us.