Episode 650: Ned Benson, Writer/Director of 'The Greatest Hits'
Filmmaker and screenwriter Ned Benson joins Daniel Ford on the show to discuss his new film "The Greatest Hits."
He chats about his screenwriting process, which has involved working with the likes of Jessica Chastain and Scarlet Johansson, how he rounded up the terrific ensemble cast for the “The Greatest Hits,” and his approach to collaborating with said cast as a director.
“I really lucked out. I can’t tell you how extraordinary this group of actors is, not only in terms of just talent, because they’re all so talented, but they’re just such wonderful people. It was a familial experience.”
Episode 594: Ron Shelton, Author of The Church of Baseball
Episode 506: Nick Davis, Author of Competing with Idiots
Episode 436: Austin Trunick, Author of The Cannon Film Guide
Episode 419: #FivePerfectMovies and Filmmaker Mick Garris
Episode 395: 'The Toys That Made Us' Producer Brian Volk-Weiss
Episode 337: ‘Maine’ Writer-Director Matthew Brown
Episode 329: 'Song of Back and Neck' Writer and Director Paul Lieberstein
Episode 324: Talking ‘Beaches’ With Large Marge Sent Us
Episode 317: Director and Producer Scott Mann
Episode 273: I Kill Giants Author and Screenwriter Joe Kelly
A Conversation With Author Kayla Rae Whitaker and Filmmaker Nick Kreiss
Episode 256: Author and Screenwriter Drew Yanno
Episode 241: ‘Served Like A Girl’ Director Lysa Heslov
Episode 237: ‘Almost Friends’ Writer and Director Jake Goldberger
Screenwriter and director Jake Goldberger, whose credits include “Almost Friends,” “Life of a King,” and “Don McKay,” talks to Sean Tuohy about his writing and directing style, learning to work with actors, and his upcoming project with one of our favorite directors, Lexi Alexander.
To learn more about Jake Goldberger, visit his IMDB page. Also watch the trailer for “Almost Friends."
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Episode 236: Garden of the Lost and Abandoned Author Jessica Yu
Jessica Yu, Academy Award-winning filmmaker and author of Garden of the Lost and Abandoned: The Extraordinary Story of One Ordinary Woman and the Children She Saves, talks to Daniel Ford about how her filmmaking background influenced her writing, her immersive research process, and the rare trust she developed with her subject, Gladys Kalibbala.
Episode 209: Screenwriter Dan Gordon
Dan Gordon—whose credits include “The Hurricane,” "Wyatt Earp,” and “Highway to Heaven,” talks to Caitlin Malcuit about his writing process, his disappointment with the superhero movie market, and his upcoming projects.
“The industry isn’t a social welfare office, it’s a business.”
Episode 200: For the 200th Time…
Episode two hundo! Yes, we’re just as surprised as you are. To celebrate our 200th episode, Sean Tuohy and Daniel Ford compiled their favorite clips from the last couple of years. It features authors, screenwriters, actors, directors, comedians, feminists, and journalists.
Share your favorite Writer’s Bone interview by commenting below, tweeting us @WritersBone, or by dropping a line on our Facebook page.
Thank you for listening, we truly appreciate it. Now, for the 200th time, keep writing, everyone!
Episode 184: Screenwriter William C. Martell
Hollywood screenwriter William C. Martell talks to Sean Tuohy about how he broke into the movie business, his screenwriting process, and how he deals with rejection and changes to his scripts.
“What’s on your laptop screen is never going to be what’s on the cinema screen.”
To learn more about William C. Martell, check out his official website or follow him on Twitter@wcmartell. Also read Sean’s first interview with the screenwriter.
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