Episode 243: Colorado Boulevard Author Phoef Sutton
Episode 200: For the 200th Time…
Episode two hundo! Yes, we’re just as surprised as you are. To celebrate our 200th episode, Sean Tuohy and Daniel Ford compiled their favorite clips from the last couple of years. It features authors, screenwriters, actors, directors, comedians, feminists, and journalists.
Share your favorite Writer’s Bone interview by commenting below, tweeting us @WritersBone, or by dropping a line on our Facebook page.
Thank you for listening, we truly appreciate it. Now, for the 200th time, keep writing, everyone!
Episode 149: Author and Screenwriter Phoef Sutton
Author and screenwriter Phoef Sutton—whose screenwriting credits include “Cheers,” “Boston Legal,” and “Terriers,” and whose fiction titles include Curious Minds (written with Janet Evanovich) 15 Minutes to Live, Crush, and the upcoming Heart Attack and Vine —talks to Daniel Ford about how he broke into television, his screenwriting process, why he loves writing fiction, and why aspiring writers need to write all the time.
To learn more about Phoef Sutton, visit his official website, like his Facebook page, or follow him on Twitter @phoefsutton.
Today's episode is brought to you by Final Draft. Final Draft is the industry standard in screenwriting software. Visit www.finaldraft.com for more details.